Front cover of photo zine, a wildfire sunset is silhouetted by a construction crane, condo building, and church steeple. The zine stands on a dark blue fleece backdrop.
release image
release image

More about the release

Having lived in Victoria for nearly 20 years, I've seen it change a great deal. Development is a constant here. Entire blocks of the city as it was have faded from my memory and I can only picture what exists now. I love how we describe a place by these changes ("it's where ___ used to be") and how we are excited or concerned by them.

Initially, I wanted to begin this project as a more fulsome documentation of Victoria's core for comparison over time. The photos would be regularly collected capsule snapshots of the streets and occupants. But there are better archivists around and I had no attraction to the completely neutral imagery it aimed for.

Instead, I let the project form itself naturally by simply going out walking with a camera and observing. The dynamic and static parts of the city reveal themselves by just repeatedly being and looking. This first collection is 47 photos taken throughout 2024. They reflect on how it feels to live here as a place of its own uniqueness and its anywhereness.

48 pages, hand bound by me. Four-colour digital printing on 100lb text by Metropol Industries.

Record details

Art, Publishing
Release Date
19 March 2025
Catalog Number

yyj.jpg 2024

Created by

A photography zine focused on Victoria, BC, the project studies how the city changes and remains.

Collected by
Collected by
Limited run of 45